Internal reason is the basis of the development of everything


Edward Weston

Feb 20, 2024

When we speak of finance and futures, many people's first reaction is the way to make money, and then they realize there are losses and risks as well. When they suffer the losses, the first reaction is not ending the losses but adding their positions, wishing to make huge profits and win everything back. However, these people are often taught painful lessons by the market. Facing a highly professional market with a speculative mentality is like a man with a knife fighting a group of armed people. If he is lucky, he may kill one or two enemies, but he will die eventually without knowing why and how. Therefore, we should have a calm mentality. We need to recognize ourselves fundamentally and be serious and professional. This is the precondition for making profits in the market.

Any success is not achieved overnight. We should grow up according to the scientific method. Deal with the situation according to the principles, observe a large amount of historical data, simulate the historical market to improve the market sense, recognize ourselves and master the market rules. We can make significant progress after the complete training courses and actual field courses. Start from loss to even, from even to little profit, from little profit to real big gain in the market. This is a process of qualitative change caused by quantitative change and a green hand growing into a master.


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